Empowered Word

Empowered Word

Scripture:  So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knoweth that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
—John 21:15
Code of Ethics


As a minister of Jesus Christ, Yahshua the Messiah, called by God (Elohim) to proclaim the gospel and filled with the Holy Spirit to minister in the church; I dedicate myself to conduct my ministry according to the ethical guidelines set forth in this code of ethics. I understand that these ethical codes and principles are necessary to my ministry that my lifestyle and walk with Christ may be acceptable to God (Elohim) in the service to his people. Feed my sheep; feed my lamb.


1. I will maintain my physical and emotional health through good eating habits, proper rest and some form of exercise.
2. I will nurture my devotional life through a regular time of prayer, reading of Scripture, and meditation.
3. I will continue to grow as a person; intellectually, spiritually, and physically through personal study, comprehensive reading and attending necessary growth conferences.
4. I will learn to manage my time well by properly balancing personal obligations, church duties, and family responsibilities, and by observing a weekly day off (Sabbath) and annual vacations.
5. I will be honest and a good steward over my financial affairs by paying all debts on time, never seeking special gratuities or privileges, giving generously to causes that promote hope and peace.
6. I will be truthful in my speech; never plagiarizing another's work as if it were my own, exaggerating the facts, misusing personal experiences, or engage in the distribution of gossip.
7. I will seek to be Christ-like in my interpersonal relationship with my neighbor; regardless of race, nationality, creed, sex, social class, position in society, or status in ecclesiastical affairs.
8. I will attempt to live as peaceable as possible with all men.


1. I will work to maintain a balance of my time with each family member; giving the appropriate live, time, and affection that each needs.
2. I will understand the unique roll of my spouse, being cognizant that my primary responsibility is to God (Elohim), and marital partner and parent to the children and secondary as a church worker and/or assistant to the pastor.
3. I will understand that my children are a gift from God (Elohim), and that it is not prudent for me to lay heavy "over achieving" goals upon them.


1. I will seek to be a minister after God's (Elohim's) own heart; following the examples that he espoused in the gospel: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, meekness, faith, temperance.
2. I will faithfully use my time wisely as deacon teacher, minister, and administrator through good work habits and reasonable schedules.
3. In my administrative, deacon, teacher, minister, and administrative duties, I will be impartial and fair to all members.
4. In my teaching and sermon preparation, I will give adequate time to fasting and prayer and study of the material presented as that I can be theologically correct; scriptural accurate; and clearly communicating my thoughts to his people.
5. In counseling, I will maintain the integrity of the discussion by keeping it private unless in cases in which disclosure is necessary to prevent harm to persons and/or is required by law.
6. In my teaching or evangelistic responsibilities, I will seek to lead persons to salvation and to church membership without manipulating converts, proselytizing members of other churches, or demeaning other religious faiths.
7. In the administration of my duties, I will never visit or counsel someone of the opposite sex without another person with me.
8. I will not charge fees to church members for priestly duties; however, for nonmembers I will establish policies and procedures that can benefit both parties.
9. As a full time minister, I will not accept any other remunerative work without the express consent of the church.
10. In leaving a congregation, I will seek to strengthen the church through proper timing, verbal affirmation, and an appropriate closure of my ministry.


1. I will work to relate to all ministers, especially those which serve in my church, as co-workers in the gospel of Christ, respecting their ministry and cooperating with them as much as possible.
2. I will assist my colleagues and their family members with council, support, and personal assistance when requested by them.
3. I will not treat other ministerial staff as competition in order to gain favor, upward mobility, position, rack or status.
4. I will refrain from speaking disparagingly about the person or work of any other minister, especially my predecessor or successor.
5. I will not interfere with nor try to influence the congregants of the church that I formerly served.
6. I will only return to my former church for special engagements at the request of the resident pastor.
7. I will treat with respect, courtesy, and dignity an predecessor who returns to my church field.
8. I will be thoughtful and respectful of all retired ministers and, upon my retirement, I will support and love my pastor.
9. I will display prudent judgment and wisdom in recommending of other ministers to church positions or other inquiries.
10. If a minister makes me aware of aware of serious misconduct, I will contact the responsible officials of that minister's church body and inform them of the incident.


1. I will obey the laws of my government unless they require my disobedience to the law of God. 2. I will practice Christian citizenship without engaging in partisan politics or political activities that are unethical, unbiblical, or unwise.
3. I will support public morality in the community unless they require my disobedience to the law of God.


1. I will love, support and cooperate with the faith community of which I am a part, recognizing the debt I owe to my denomination for its contribution to my life, my ministry, and my church.
2. I will work to improve my denomination in its efforts to expand and extend the kingdom of God.


1. I will be supportive of and loyal to the senior pastor or, if unable to do so, will seek another place of services.
2. I will be supportive of and loyal to my fellow staff ministers, never criticizing them or undermining their ministry.
3. I will recognize my role and responsibility to the church and will not feel threatened or in competition with any other minister of the church.
4. I will maintain good relationships with other ministers of my special area of ministry.



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